Рус Eng

changes in the staff of Dissertation Committees

October 30, 2020

    According the Order N661/nk of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education dated October 30, 2020 the changes were made in the staff of Dissertation Committee D 208.130.02.

    Doctor of Medical Science L.R.Avetisyan (14.02.02, medical sciences) and Doctor of Medical Science E.I.Burtseva (14.02.02, medical sciences) were included in the staff of the committee.

    A.A.Asratyan and I.A.Shaginyan were excluded from the staff.

    According the Order N661/nk of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education dated October 30, 2020 the changes were made in the staff of Dissertation Committee D 208.130.03.

    Doctor of Biological Science S.V.Alkhovsky (03.02.02, biological sciences), Doctor of Medical Science T.K.Dzagurova (03.02.02, medical sciences), Doctor of Medical Science O.E.Ivanova (03.02.02, medical sciences), Doctor of Medical Science V.F.Larichev (03.02.02, medical sciences) and Doctor of Biological Science A.G.Prilipov (03.01.03, biological sciences) were included in the staff of the Committee.

    RAS corresponding member, Doctor of Biological Science D.Yu.Logunov had become Deputy Chairman of the Committee.

    P.G.Deryabin, M.S.Vorobyova, G.A.Galegov and N.V.Shalunova were excluded from the staff.