Рус Eng

defense of thesis by N.E. Bondareva

October 9, 2020

At the meeting of Dissertation Council D 208.130.01, the defense of thesis by N.E. Bondareva “Mechanisms of persistence of chlamydia and improvement of diagnostics of chronic chlamydial infections” took place, submitted for the degree of candidate of medical sciences in specialty 03.02.03 – Microbiology.

The thesis was developed in the Federal State Budgetary Institution N. F. Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Academic supervisors – Professor N. A. Zigangirova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, and Associate Professor O. L. Voronina, Candidate of Biological Sciences.

Official reviewers:

- Professor V. A. Fedorova, Doctor of Medical Sciences,

- Professor D. G. Deryabin, Doctor of Medical Sciences,

External reviewer: Federal State Budgetary Institution, Institute of Molecular Genetics of National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”.